Look at the state of the internet and social media...
1.73 Billion + Internet users worldwide.
1.4 Billion + Email users worldwide.
…234 Million + websites.
…126 Million + Blogs.
…27.3 Million + Tweets per day on Twitter.
…400 Million + people on Facebook.
…1 Billion + videos served “per day” on YouTube…
And these numbers are increasing daily. The World Wide Web is by far the largest economic shift since the Industrial Revolution. Internet Social Medias has taken over every industry, including the porn industry. It is now the #1 movement on the internet. Just think about these stats. If Facebook were a country, Facebook would be the 4th largest country in the world. How about them apples…
Can you figure out where this is all going? World-famous economist, bestselling author, and Advisor to two US Presidents said: “The Internet represents the greatest economic revolution in history, and it’s only just getting started. The impact of the Internet, which is even now only in its infancy stages, can only be compared to the invention of writing, which created the birth of civilization. The printing press which created industrialization.” – Paul Zane Pilzer “The Next Millionaires” The reality is nobody knows how big this is going to be. Still, one thing is for sure; it will surpass anything we could of ever imagine.
And this is from Robert Kiyosaki: “I believe the Internet is bringing a shift to the world a million times more profound than Columbus discovering America in 1492. Just as explorers like Columbus opened the world to new wealth, the Internet is opening even larger worlds of wealth to today’s explorers.” – Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” It is obvious that the internet is the biggest global commerce in the world and because of that if you are not positioned at the right place with the right tools, all of this will be meaningless Page, Papi.
Marketing on the internet is a huge leverage maker. You can reach more people than ever, but if not positioned on the internet, your product and certainly your compensation plan won’t matter. Let me break it up for you. Since only a few people will see your products if not positioned on the internet, that means fewer sales and very little money for you. Got it…
Here’s where things usually fall apart here for internet marketers or network marketers. The network marketing company offering the products will also provide the marketing and sales funnels and, sadly, the training. What…
I know that is very weird. It is kind of like if the Boston Red Sox played the New York Yankees and Alex Rodriguez played offense for the Yankees and defense for the Red Sox. It makes no sense, right… This explains why more than 98% fail in this industry…
I don’t know about you, but this is very conflicting. When I worked in the restaurant industry, I always asked why someone who never worked in a kitchen designed a kitchen. Why is it there is not a cook involved in designing?
It’s the same thing here. How can someone who creates a super duper vitamin can teach you how to market it? It kind of sounds a little hypocrite. About someone who creates this great juice? Or the nest great communication thing? I think you get the picture. None of them are qualified to teach you how to make money on the internet.
To have a chance to succeed, you absolutely need a stand-alone Internet-Based and Marketing System in place, or you will die in this New Economy. This is an internet-based world, and whether you want to acknowledge it or not, it is here, and it is not leaving.
Remember the stats I shared with you earlier about the internet. You show me anything that has 1.72 billion of anything, and most of all, you can advertise to all of them at one time if you want.
Ok, so your network marketing company gave you what my partner calls a replicated cookie-cutter website. This does not mean you are on the internet, far from it. The fact is that none of those sites are created to sell anything. They are actually designed not to sell anything or join you in your business if you really look at it. But they give YOU a nice website! I am dead serious here.
The fact is here; it goes much deeper than just a website… If you really want success in Network Marketing today, you will need a configured website precisely designed for internet Lead Generation personalized for you and your business. You will need a sales letter written by professionals that are actually designed to sell your products or your business 24/7/365. You will need professionally written auto-responders and even a sales call center to make the sales for you.
All this is called Leveraged. This is what the top income earners do and use. Whooooo, slow down the body. What does all this mean? No worries, you are not to blame here. No ones ever took the time to show you. That is what I am here for. It also means you do not have any of the above in place for your business, which is a problem. They kept this from you but not anymore.
On the other side, 99% of marketers could not sell anything to anyone unless they had a marketing sales system. All this time you have been marketing, the odds have been against you. If you play craps in Vegas, it would be like you have been betting the middle of the tables the entire time.
And just so you know, to make sure I am clear here. A sales system is not inviting your friends and family to a call or a webinar to explain that they will double their current income with the next best lotion, potion, and vitamin deal. Let’s be serious here…
Now for the good news, this is not difficult to get or costly to have… In just a few moments, I will introduce you to the #1 proven privately owned internet-based sales and marketing platform precisely designed for Network Marketers in this New Economy…
Privately means that any other network marketing company does not own them. Absolutely no conflict of interest here. Only the finest, most updated, and best marketing system. Depth daily Training, custom-built platform, and sales support for all its members to keep them miles ahead of its competitors.
Some of the so-called upline leaders or even the big wig of companies will tell you, “Stay away from the internet, it does not work for us” You said what… It would like ignoring the fact that there is an alligator on your back porch. That is insane and most of all ignorant, and if you believe that mumbo jumbo, it will cost you a fortune.
As much as it hurts me to write this, if you hear someone tell you to stay away from the internet, RUN, RUN, RUN as fast as you can, and whatever you do, do not look back.
Here’s why they say this… As I mentioned earlier, the internet is the biggest global commerce today. It is a tool that lets communication at a level this generation and all generation has never seen before. Opinions, rumors, promotions, advertisements can now be viewed at a record speed.
Huge wins and losses can be done in days by a well-designed and place negative opinion or rumor on any search engine. It works the same for a network marketing company. A downline can be destroyed in minutes just because someone started a rumor or a leader jumping ship.
All Network Marketing Distributors have immediate access to an incredible amount of tools, systems, leaders, opinions, and sales pitches which will continue to plant seeds of uncertainty and sidetrack them with the promise of a better, faster, and more efficient.
Rivals ads can be displayed on anyone’s doorsteps search engine results. As soon as your customer or member feels discouraged, it feels like it is not working… They will be immediately exposed to thousands of other opportunities stuffing the email box every day with everything they need to remedy their pain. This will happen to you and anyone who fails to get this crucial information in just a moment.
Unfortunately, there is no long-stinging guarantee since, in Network Marketing, each entrepreneur is only loyal to their option. And credit the internet because now everyone’s options are absolutely unlimited.
If you are a top income earner in this industry, you know exactly what I am talking about here, and there is no chance in the future, this will change.
This is the reality we live in today. If you’ve tried to build a downline in the past are in the process of trying, it doesn’t feel like you are trying to feel a leaking bucket…
Can you see now why the internet has been kept away from you? I am not sure about you, but for me, it is simple, I would rather know now the truth than getting rip off later because I did not know or chose to ignore this article.
Ghyslain Lefebvre is a former restaurant owner and today a well-respected online business owner. Ghyslain outlook on how to produce wealth and lifestyle is unique and rewarding. To learn more about how Ghyslain transforms ordinary individuals into successful online entrepreneurs on the internet, Visit His Website Today! [http://fireyourbossthisyear.com/?site=myownhellskitchen&t=ezineuseinternet] What you will learn could change your life forever…